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Voting Procedure


1. The Director of the Competition is to be present at all auditions. The Director will not participate in the vote, except in a situation described in clause 3g).

Teachers are not allowed to vote or participate in any jury discussions during eliminators rounds concerning any candidate who has been a student in the past two years. The President of the Jury must be informed in advance of any such students by the respective juror(s). This does not include candidates who have worked in a very limited context with the juror, e.g. masterclasses or other similar courses.

All jurors may take part in discussions after completion of the Final Round.

2. In the Semi-Final Round:

a)  a jury member will choose from among participants in each category two or three contestants worthy, in this juror’s judgement, to progress to the Final round. The juror will write their names in a voting bulletin – in no particular order.

b)   Should a juror feel strongly that more than two or three contestants are worthy of performing in Finals, he/she will write all the names in a voting bulletin – in no particular order.

c)  Similarly, should the juror feel that only one contestant in given category – or none -- is worthy of passing to the Final round, he/she will vote accordingly.

d)  Upon conclusion of the vote count,  the Director announces the results to the jury.  At this point -- after the jury learns of the vote outcome and before the results are announced to contestants and the public – if a jury member feels a necessity to discuss whatever matter, a Jury discussion will be held. A proposal, if any, will be put to a vote by the Jury; a vote of 50 per cent or more for the proposal will render it a Jury Decision.

The Director of the Competition will be present during the discussion and may take part in it.

e)  The Director publicly announces  results of the Semi-Final round.

3.  In the Final Round:

a)  of the participants in each category, a jury member will chose one performer worthy, in the jury member’s opinion, of the Rosalyn Tureck Competition Prize in that category.

b)  Should the juror believe strongly that more than one performer is worthy of the Prize, he/she write the names of those performers in the voting bulletin.

c) Similarly, should the juror deem no contestant worthy of the Prize, he/she will indicate so in the voting bulletin.

d)  The Director and a member of TIBC Board will sum up the vote.  In each category, the contestant with the highest number of votes will be declared the Tureck Competition Prize winner.

e)   Should the voting result in a tie, the Prize will be shared between contestants with the highest number of votes.

f)  Similarly to the clause 2d), the Jury may hold a discussion, and any proposal will be voted on.  The positive vote of 50 per cent or more will render it a Jury Decision.

g)   Following the distribution of Rosalyn Tureck Competition prizes, the Jury will decide on the winner of the indivisible Evgeny Kissin/Steinway&Sons Grand Prize in a following procedure:

Each juror will submit one name from among the RTC prize-winners, bearing in mind that the part of the prize is a public recital. If a juror deems no candidate worthy of this Prize, he/she will write no name in the voting bulletin.

The competitor with most votes will be declared the Grand Prize winner.

Should the Jury vote result in a tie, the Competition Director will cast a vote.

h)  Similarly to the procedure described in clause 3a), the Jury will vote on recipients of Honorable Mentions. At this stage,  limits on the number of recipients are less strict.

4. The decisions by the Jury are final.

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